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Showing posts from September, 2006
I got yet another letter from Michelle Tharp, death row in PA. Today. In this one she threatens to have someone visit me for putting her leters on the internet. Which I did not do, let me remind you. She also asks me why I told her paralegal that I was a deperate mother using her for money. Huh? If anything this broad costs me oney and no paralegal has bothered to contact me on her behalf. I have given her one last chance to stop writing to me. If I get another letter I will sign a written complaint against her.

How many innocents are executed?

Northwestern University School of Law's Centre on Wrongful Convictions (CWC) documented at least 38 executions carried out in the United States in spite of compelling evidence of innocence or serious doubt about guilt ... Moreover, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has documented 123 death-row inmates who, since 1973, have been exonerated. read more  |  digg story
Well I have to say that I feel very optimistic. Choosing to cut loose from the newspaper may well be the best thing that has happened to me in years. Today I have four more articles to write on snoring products and then I'm free to work on the book. Huh? Wha? I havent put a word on paper for the book since my mom took a turn for the worse and passed away in July. Cathartic to say the least. I also have made a new friend. I'm a frequenter at . I met a local gal there who is the Daily Living editor at a near by but larger newspaper and she has VERY kindly offered to talk with her editor-in-chief about including my column. I cant get over how nice that is. You just cant beat those small town newspaper chicks. teehee We shall see. I also got a email from someone claiming to be a relative of Nicole Diar. Nicole is on death row for the arson death of her son. The circumstances of her conviction are sketchy at best and Im very interested in seeing this per
Career Query! What shall I do? Since May I have been taking on assignments from a web content provider. I like it because they pay is wonderful but also becuase I write about different topics every month and I feel like Im learning something. But there is still the newspaper. I was recently given a weekly column but the pay is so trivial that I sometimnes find it a waste of time. Even if I spent all day, everyday coming up with stories for the paper I would not make as much as I do writing web content. I have a little issue writing the conent because that is not the kind of writer I fancied myself to be in all my girly daydreams as a kid. But I also never wanted to be a reporter either. I want to write books. True Crime- but you have to start somewhere, right? Sigh... Im a crime writer for the paper. That looks very good in the pages of my book proposal. But, I've also sold crime articles to major magazines. Do I need the paper? The time I spend there I can spend at web content and
I don't know if I would say that my life has calmed down or become more chaotic. We finally moved from the suite of hell. We found a 3 bedroom just right down the road from where I was living before. It was damaged and so it took about a week to repair walls and floors and clean up mountainous piles of rat shit. We still have a little wall paper to hang but otherwise we're pretty well set up. I was chomping at the bit to get back to work and so of course the phone company had issues setting up my lines. With no internet I was forced to think. I got a magazine from and an article in it gave me the idea to organize a job fair for moms to work at home. So I bounced it off of my fabulous fellow mods at Clubmom and decided to give it a shot. I have been busily contacting Avon ladies, tupperware ladies, Arbonne, Home interior, and whatever else I can think of. It's coming together nicely. I have garnered a really fabulous venue and spots are filling up quick. I'