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Showing posts from November, 2006
The letter from Antoinette Franks brother Adam is interesting. He says: Yes, I am incarcerated at the infamous Louisana State Penitentiary known as "Angola". Where the rodeos are held. Things have changed considerably from the old days, but theres a few killings and rapes that go on, which are not made known to the public. Then he goes on later to say: ...I am 6'5 1/2 " tall, and 287 lbs and very muscular built. I am also a 3rd degree black belt in karate. Which along with other aacquired "Special Operational Tactical Skills From The Military And Police Dept Swat Teams," has landed me in High Prority threat to security and High Priority escape risk. Also including the fact that Im a former computer hacker and was a fugitive once for 7 years. I also have many other special skills which surfaced and caused the authorities to wonder how I had aquired them. Kelly, I usually refrain from telling people this about me, becuase it tends to frighten them away thi
I am so overwhelmed. Thanksgiving bombarded me and now I have Christmas to shop for. I have letters from Antoinette, Michelle Byrom, Chelsea Richardson, Adam Frank and Judy Neelley that all need answered.
Judge Signs Cathy Henderson Death Warrant A Travis County judge Monday signed the death warrant for a woman convicted of kidnapping and murdering a 3-month-old boy. Cathy Lynn Henderson of Pflugerville drew national attention back in 1994 for the disappearance of Brandon Baugh. Henderson was the infant's babysitter. She was arrested in Missouri. The baby's body was later found in Temple. Henderson was sentenced to death row. Monday morning, Judge John Wisser said April 18 will be the day Henderson will die. Now that Judge Wisser has set the execution date, Henderson's attorneys say her case will be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. They believe an adequate medical and physchological evaluation was not orignally done to help her defense, because Henderson had no real motive to kill the child. "She's got friends who came here today to stand by her, so it's not like she's an evil person. We feel her case deservves even more evaluation, and that's just wh
Kenisha Berry's family during her trial Ive been sick, really freaking sick. I have a pile of letters that are unopened. So we'll leave you in suspense by saying that I have a letter from Antoinette Frank sitting on the table unopened for three days. I see one from Kenisha Berry, I have never written to her so I'll be interested to see what it says. There is an envelope from Darlie Routier and Adam Frank as well. When I feel better Ill open them and give you the goods. On November 29, 1998, in Jefferson County, Texas, Berry placed duct tape across the body and mouth of her 4 day old son, placed him in a black plastic trash bag and left his body in a trash dumpster, resulting in his death. HOUSTON (AP) - Kenisha Berry worked in a day-care center and seemed to be a loving mother to three of her young children. But the Beaumont woman is heading to Texas' death row for killing another child, who was linked to her last summer after she dumped her fifth child in a ditch. Auth
The moderators of my website and I will be chatting with the sites visitors tonight at 8 pm central USA time. Please come by and meet my moderators, all very impressive and knowledgable fighters of the death penalty. It will be held at
Judy wrote today. She is much more talkative and open than she ever has been in the past few years. Im guessing this is because of the new prison she is in. They seem to be more lenient than any other Ive heard of. She is allowed any visitors and used books. Most of the time books must come straight from the publisher and have to be paperback. She says"It is my understandingvisitation is very lenient here. Inmates are bringing back jewlry their visitors are wearing in! No, they dont have permission.No one cares." Judy has always been one of my favorites. One reason beacuase she is from my home town, another because she is so articulate and easy to talk with on any subject. But mainly I think it is because I relate to her. I can see how she would have commited the crimes that she did if Alvin had such a hold on her. I saw my own mother live through astonishing abuse. I began writing these women for that very fact. I spent my early adult years tethered to a man who treated me
This is Randy Wood, his mom and his brother. His letter today was light hearted. I was worried about him. He was so unnecessarily worried about some drivel on a message board about him. I was informed by his wife about the site and when I looked at it I was sorry he even knew about it. It was all so stupid it barely made sense. He had spoke before about being in prison for 10 years and that in November he would be recognized for this and able to receive priveldges but nothing was mentioned in this letter. I worry a lot about this guy. If the Texas justice system can treat him this way then anything can happen. I believe that he and Darlie Routier have been raped by Texas in the worst ways possible.
I received word from a mutal friend that Chelsea Richardson wanted me to contact her again. I had previously quit writing to her after the troubles I had with Michelle Tharp. A strange jealous stalker/hacker had ingraciated himself into Michelles life and every time someone disagreed with him or doubted his "authority" he would threaten to fill Michelles head with as much drivel as possible about that person. Unfortunetly Michelle is very paranoid and frightful and believed it. This stalker/hacker is also a friend of Chelseas and when he hacked my forums to pieces at I just didnt have the time or inclination to play the games he thrives on. I wish there was something I could do about him. He preys on the women on the row who are weak minded or young and impressionable. Usually someone that has limited support. He throws a few dollars at them and then I hear from them about their crushes on him. I dreadfully certain he has some wierd fetish of wom

Reconsidering the Death Penalty

Let ’s take a stroll down amnesia lane. In the mid-1980s, there were more than a dozen police officers killed in the line of duty in Canada. This prompted calls for the restoration of the death penalty in Canada which had been formally abolished in 1976 (the same year it was restored in the United States). read more  |  digg story
A letter from Michelle Byrom today. I hadnt heard from her in some time and she explained that she has had some trouble with a guard. She said I was being harrassed by a Captain here. I guess shes either jealous because I have a TV or more likely because Im white.. She also jumped on another girl, the new girl on death row here. [ That is Lisa Jo Chamberlain ]Shook her down and told her to stand outside her door and if she moved she'd kick her ass." Her health , which has always been a problem for her, has gotten worse in recent days. "They checked my blood last week. They are supposed to check it every 2 -3 months but last time was in February. My Thyroid was off the charts then and they were supposed to up my dose, never did. My cholestrol was sky high, nothing done about it. With my Lupus and the depression its a triple whammy when the thyroid acts up. No thyroid meds. If I dont get out of here soon, Ill be shipped out in a body bag."
For a limited time I am scheduling speaking arrangements free. beginning November 4th through December 31rst I will speak to groups about my experiences with the women on death row. I am available to speak to groups of women, teens, churches, law enforcement, crime buffs, true crime writers and more. For more information please email me through this blog.