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Showing posts from February, 2007
Top 10 Death Penalty Blogs I copied this from Hey why isnt my blog there! 1) Capital Defense Weekly This blog is an obvious labor of love for Karl Keys, the Massachusetts defense attorney who has visibly put countless hours into making it the most up-to-date and informative blog about U.S. capital punishment anywhere, with plenty of information on ongoing cases and recent rulings. Presumably it really was a weekly newsletter when it was founded in 1997, but now it's updated almost every day. 2) Meet Vernon Vernon Evans is a prisoner on Maryland's death row, convicted of killing two hotel clerks in 1983. He proclaims his innocence. While working through the long appeals process, he maintains this blog through a friend who forwards him questions from users and posts his answers online, providing a rare glimpse into the life of a man sentenced to die. 3) Asia Death Penalty In the United States, the death penalty is a divisive issue, but the vast majority of executions t
Make your Blog Work For You With Pay Per Post This new segmentation system awards bloggers with high traffic blogs. You could make $1000 for a single sponsored post! Ive been using it. I like that you can choose from so many different topics because I like to write about things I know about. It has been easy for me to find opportunitites that I have used in the past and liked. I regularly leave links and posts about places I use so its really nice to get a chance to get paid for it. Also...Did you know that PPP only charges a 35% service fee compared to ReviewMe that charges a 100% markup. They are taking half your money for every post! You can get high paying opps more often and put more in your pocket with PPP. PPP makes sense for high traffic and lower traffic bloggers alike. A disclosure is needed at the end of your blog. This is a good idea anyway even if you dont get paid for it because if you give out advice or referrals or even just reccommendations you dont want anyone
International Womens Day is almost here. March 8th. It is times like this that I want so badly to do something drastic, something dramatic to make the world aware of how our women are being treated in prison. I get asked everyday why I do the things I do. Im not a feminist. You wont catch me burning my bra anyway. I do, however, think the world needs to be aware of what happens to women when those iron bars clang shut. The truth about how the justice system treats women in this country would scare the shit out of Jane Citizen. Any woman, anywhere in the country could be in the shoes of any one of these women that I work with. Guilty or not guilty, I am here to tell you that it is more a case of wrong place at the wrong time than it is evidence or proof. Take a look at the next one scheduled to die, Cathy Henderson. This woman is charged with the murder of a child she was babysitting. She is mildly retarded with no previous criminal history. She had been the babysitter for the family fo
Spring break is fast approaching and Im trying to decide who I will visit. I had planned to visit Shonda Johnson but since her overbearing sister has forbid her to write to me because I had the (GASP!) audacity to mention that she had indeed been married to 3 men at the same time (um... wasnt that brought out in trial or did I break the news?) even though I don't see that as reason enough to assume she was guilty when she so obviously wasnt. Anywho- Ill have to pick another. I havent heard from Judy or Annette lately. So I may go to Mississippi. Ive been searching high and low for a website to give me a decent rate and I found this one: Hotel Reservations I am REALLY impressed with the prices and options on this site. Ive been checking the distances to various prisons and the prices on this site compared to others. ROCK ON! I have found deals on hotels, motels, resorts, vacation rentals and all kinds of stuff.This really opens my options up. Im thinking of perhaps finding a central
I am coasting on a serious guilt trip. I havent written anyone since December. I've gotten three letters at least from Michelle Byrom. But Ive been writing steadily. I got lucky and received two assignments of copywriting. I worked on that all last week but a sudden storm has caused so many power outages Im reticent to take on any new work. Michelle has made mention of another new girl on the row in Mississippi. Kristi Fulgham Click here for the AP News Story. She apparently enlisted her 13 year old brother to kill her husband. Insurance was involved. You can find out about the little brother and his quest for freedom here . Michelle has made several remarks about how uncaring Kristi seems. That she makes remarks about how her husband deserved it etc. Scary stuff. My thoughts however,are these; if I were in her shoes I would want to be as tough a bitch as I could be. Additional information is here .
Valentines gifts for the girls... With Valentines day coming up I wanted to get all the girls who have come to mean so much to me a little something special. But thats hard when a felt tip pen can be considered a deadly weapon. Most things have to be sent directly from the manufacturer or publisher as well. This precaustion is in place to ensure that I dont pack away any files or jigsaws in the pages of a new book. I always go to Amazon COUPONS and ALWAYS use coupon codes. I try to do that everytime I shop online because it saves so much. Coupon Chief web coupons is a fantastic place to find codes for coupons. I can always find one that I need there. So Im going to Amazon to get Kimberly McCarthy these "Carolin Cousins" books she likes to read. She told me once that she had been addicted to porn and that Texas had since taken away the priveldge of looking at it. Hm