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Showing posts from November, 2008
Christa Pike\\\\ Christa Pike's web page. I speak to her mother Carissa occasionally, she is a truley wonderful lady. The Lineup - Christa Pike Uploaded by gangstagenius294
What Barack Obama promises abused women: PREVENTING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Reducing Domestic Violence: One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Family violence accounted for 11 percent of all violence between 1998 and 2002. Barack Obama introduced legislation to combat domestic violence by providing $25 million a year for partnerships between domestic violence prevention organizations and Fatherhood or Marriage programs to train staff in domestic violence services, provide services to families affected by domestic violence, and to develop best practices in domestic violence prevention. Strengthening Domestic Violence Laws: Approximately 1,400 women a year – four every day – die in the United States as a result of domestic violence. And 132,000 women report that they have been victims of a rape or attempted rape, and it is estimated that an even greater number have been raped, but do not report it. Senator Obama co-sponsored and helped reauthorize the Vio
Muncys 3 Amigos, Carol King, Michelle Tharp, Shonda Walter, death row, SCI Muncy I ran into this website quite by accident. It is the site of the three women on the row in PA; Carol King, Shonda Walter and Michelle Tharp. Beth Markman is also there but I believe she has been removed from death row. Michelle Tharp is the one who wrote me the threatening letters a few years back. She was extremely angry at me for this blog. It started with Beth Markman who I wrote to first. I was contacted by a social worker in P.A. who had some questions about her. When I went to her for the answers she became very closed lipped and told me she wanted nothing else to do with me. I eventually heard from both Carolyn and Michelle who wrote scathing letters about what a horrible person I am. I became friends with Michelle after a while and I truly tried to help her in any way I could. She was hard to work with because she would give me permission to print her pictures or parts of her letters and then get a
Seattle woman indicted in Italian murder case - Breaking News From Oregon & Portland - While I was in Seattle on a business trip last week I caught thier headlines of this startling case. This young Seattle woman has implicated herself and then recanted in the murder of her Italian roomate. Apparently it was some sort of sex crime gone horribly wrong.