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Showing posts from January, 2010
I got an email from Stacy, the executive director of the  Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (of which I am a member yeah!). She says that Gale Owens has a hearing coming on the 5th of february. More than likely there will be no decision made only deliberation. They could set her an execution date but that doesn't seem likely. We only wish for Gaile to be treated with the same laws and efficiency as her counterparts from years gone by, some of which have more violent acts proven against them. Christs Pike is also being abused by the Tennessee Women Prison facilities again. She has been denied her medications when it has been proven in court that she truly needs them for her diagnosed illnesses. WTF! Does nobody see this? Can they just do whatever they want? Then people wonder why Christs makes the news for her violent outbursts. Maybe Christa is one who has just been pushed to her limits and can not tolerate another minute.
Darlie Routier is innocent. The state of Texas is allowing her to be prosecuted and no one is doing anything about it. The world is standing by, watching this woman rot in prison for crimes she did not commit. Have you read Precious Angels? This book by Barbra Davis details all the reason that Darlie is guilty written by someone who was in court every single day of the trial and has poured over the evidence. But guess what happened when she was presented with new evidence? She changed her mind. She realized Darlie is innocent and that the state of Texas is dirty, filthy even. Read the statement Barbra Davis posted on her site here . This was after her book was published and she recants all of the book and says why. So now what do you think?
Remember Michelle Anderson? She and her boyfriend, James McElroy killed her entire family two years ago on Chrsitmas Eve in Washington. She shot her mother and father then waited for her brother and his family to arrive. She then shot and killed her brother, his wife and their two children 7 and 3. Michelle's case is just now coming around to trial. Prosecution will attempt to give her the death penalty but her lawyers are fighting against it. That doesnt seem to be enough for her, twice she has asked for new lawyers saying hers are dishonest. She has also asked for charges to be dropped against her boyfriend and that kidnapping charges be levied against her. She claims that his participation was forced. She has been denied the change of lawyers and there will be no charges dropped on her boyfriend.
DNA evidence can be faked. Thats right folks. Several deth penalty convictions are now being reexamined for the possibility of fraudulant behavior. So what about those already convicted and killed for DNA eveidence? Read this for a little insight. And a great big hug to my friend Lin for sharing this link. DNA Evidence can be FAKED
Ive written to Tiffany Cole. She is the only woman on Florida's death row since Virginia Larzelere was commuted to life. Tiffany and three other men , one her boyfriend, kidnapped, tortured and buried alive an elderly, disabled couple in 2007. She may not write back since she is still so fresh to the row and still in line for all her appeals. Her case is so cut and dry tho I dont forsee much help with her appeals. They have ATM photos and shots of Tiffany and Co in a limo with handfuls of cash and champaigne.
The death penalty is crap. Nonsense. Who says? I say. Oh but not only me- also The American Law Institute. That's right, The American Law Institute fashioned a team of investigators who engaged in a study of all the criticisms of the death penalty and you know what they said? Screw it. They threw up their hands and  said  its broke and we cant fix it. EXACTLY what Ive been telling people for years. Dont believe me? Check it out below: Death penalty loses legitimacy as top lawyers distance themselves By Editorial Board http://www.stltoday .com/blogzone/ the-platform/ published- editorials/ 2010/01/death- penalty-loses- legitimacy- as-top-lawyers- distance- themselves/ Missouri Department of Corrections' execution chamber at the Eastern Reception and Diagnostic Center in 2005. GABRIEL B. TAIT / ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH Lawyers think no problem has been invented that they can’t puzzle through, solve or argue their way out of. So, there’s reason to pause when
Unfortunately, the mobile blogging trip to Judy Neelley's neighborhood has been cancelled because I am snowed in my home. I live fairly far in the country. My drive way is a half mile long. It needs gravel badly and has huge holes in it that are no small ice skating rinks. So, I'm stuck here but maybe I will get some work done instead!. I could always give you all mobile blogging from my home office. I don't think that would be quite as interesting though!