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Showing posts from March, 2010
Two new letters today, Tiffany Cole & Kelly Gissendaner - BUT before I get into those I want to rant. I want to rant about people who are to stupid to look at this blog and see that I DO NOT BELIEVE in the death penalty. Dear Regular Reader, Is there anything else I can possibly put on here to make my position known on the death penalty? If so, do tell. In one of the letters I recieved today I was informed that she (the gal on death row) heard from a friend of hers who "had a bad dream and woke up to find a post on her at Woman Condemned". BARF!! Gimme a freaking break. She went on to say that whoever this lurker is had copied my words and sent them to her. Again... geesh ... In my many years of writing to these women, publishing their newsletter, arranging donations, attorneys and etc I have ran across this type of "mystery girl" before. Lurking around, reading, starting shit but not actually posting here or even writing to me with a thought or o
Tennessee Voices - Letter from a TN Governors Son As governor, my father, Frank Clement Sr., truly struggled with the responsibility and legal right to decide who lives and who dies under the death penalty. He did not feel it was a responsibility that should be left entirely to the governor. During his second term, men did die in the electric chair. I remember seeing the anguish my father suffered as the hour of execution grew closer. He would personally talk with each inmate on death row and ask them the simple question: "Why should I save your life?" Some inmates had lied all the way through the legal process, but when facing my father's question, some did say, "Governor, you should not intervene." Even then, the decision was no easier for my father, because he would also meet with the families of inmates, including wives and children. To my know-ledge, he's the only governor who met face-to-face with families of the men he knew he would not save from
Many of my readers are not concerned with the death penalty at all, rather they are true crime buffs, crime watchers or, like the viewers of Snapped , just interested in women in crime. I am all of these things, hence, this blog was born. Often when I watch television or movies a certain woman will jump out at me and I will be fascinated by her story. This happened recently with Dawn Schiller . I watched Wonderland for the first time this weekend. I know, where have I been, right? Not only did I not know about the Wonderland Murders (I know, thats it incredibly wierd for someone so up on crime and murders. What can I say- I slipped) but I had no clue who John Holmes was. (If there is anyone out there as clueless as I was, John was a famous porn star with a huge weenie). Dawn was the 15 year old girlfriend of the married and 31 year old John Holmes.  WTF!? you say? So did I. I went went straight to Google and searched for Dawn after the movie and found she is very much alive, produc
Dastardly day of disappointment… I’m crushed. I had my heart set on meeting Dog the Bounty Hunter Sunday.I interviewed him a few years back for our local paper, The Saturday Independent. Just my luck they have cancelled their trip here. I could travel 4 hours to Chattanooga or Columbia but I don’t see that happening with all 6 kids. Sigh… I so admire Dog and Beth and the hard work they put in to help people, even though they have been or are in trouble. They seem to be a few of the few. You know, those that realize that just because a person has made mistakes in life doesn’t make them something you have scraped off the bottom of your shoe. Your best life starts after you know better.
Tennessee Supreme Court seems to be taking it's sweet time dciding what to do about Gaile Owens. Seems odd with so much to base a decision on. All they really need to do is look at every single previous case to a woman convicted of killing their husband and compare the details. Gaile hired someone to kill her husband after extreme abuse and they have her on death row. Other women like the smiling, happy and free Mary Winkler who actually did the killing of her husband are free. What gives?
Needle point: The die was cast when Pavatt killed : "The die was cast when Pavatt killed" James Pravatt is complaining that the method of execution to be used in his death is unconstitutional.The piece above is a very Pro stance on his upcoming execution and the fact that he is complaining about the method.
It seems there have been several developments in the Alyssa Bustamante case since I last checked. She has been granted the right to have jury from outside the county. They have decided to allow cameras in the court room so there is a lot more footage. I heard through the grapevine that she has asked to wear her own clothes in all future appearences.   A local blogger seems to think that changing the jury may not be much help, and I cant help but agree. This case is known all over the world. Her attorneys are now able to view her juvenile court records. That should have happened long ago. They are certainly dragging their feet in this case.
Fla. Supreme Court Denies Appeal for Woman Guilty of Killing San Marco Couple Local News : "TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The woman found guilty of killing a San Marco couple in 2005 has lost her appeal to the Florida Supreme Court. Tiffany Cole was sentenced to death in 2007 for the murders of James and Carol Sumner after being convicted of two counts each of first degree murder, kidnapping and robbery." Today is a bad day for Tiffany. I have already mailed a letter to her or I would have tried to send her a little something to raise her spirits. In the letter I received late last week she talked about how unfair she believes Floridas criminal laws to be as compared to SOuth Carolina, her home state. "A couple people I knew were charged with murder but they got time ranging from 25 to 30 years. Not even life without parole. They are eligible for parole. Here in Florida, a person sentenced to life gets natural life without parole. In SOuth Carolina life
I recieved a letter from Tiffany Cole on Friday. I havent ansered it yet. But to my unending surprise I got a letter from Kelly Gissendaner in Georgia. I've written to her twice and never gotten a response. I mentioned that to her and she replied that she had become anti social and that it was better that way in prison.
My letter from Tiffany Cole. I wrote her back last week but have heard nothing yet. I also write Kelly Gissendaner last week but have had no response. I wrote her before and she does not answer. But I thought it was worth another try.