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Showing posts from August, 2015

Darla Renee Jackson - California

Road rage got the best of Darla Renee Jackson in Chula Vista, California in May of 2015 when she killed a motorcyclist on the road next to her. Witnesses say she rammed the back of 39-year-old Navy chief petty officer Zach Buob's motorcycle and then pushed him from behind some 300 feet with her Nissan on State Route 54 and then ran him over when he fell off. The incident apparently started early on the road when the two began a dispute and Jackson first rammed the motorcyclist getting onto the freeway. He died on the scene. She has been charged with first degree murder. She has no criminal history but does have a history of driving issues. She was once prohibited a licence for two years for lack of knowledge and skill. She also tried to run down an ex-boyfriend with her car. Two ex-boyfriends have charged her with stalking and one with breaking into his home. Random acquaintances accuse her of threatening behavior, saying she terrorized the neighborhood. Jackson'

Jody Herring - Vermont

After losing custody of her 9 year old daughter, 40 year old Jody Herring lost her mind. Before going to the courthouse on Friday to kill social worker, Lara Sobel, she murdered two of her cousins and her aunt. Regina Herring, 43, and Rhonda Herring, 48, the suspect's cousins; and Julie Falzarano, 73, an aunt. The bodies were found Saturday by the daughter of one of the victims. She killed Sobel at the regional DCF office where she stood over the body with her gun until witnesses tackled her and took the weapon. When police arrived, Herring was described as in a jovial mood, laughing and joking with police officers as they arrested her. Records show she has been in mild trouble before including DUIs, disorderly conduct and domestic assault among the 11 misdemeanors on her record. Reports say she tried to call her brother twice before shooting the social worker. Once to ask him to get in contact with her immediately and the second, moments later urging him to watch the news an

Connor MacCalister - Maine

This story has a bit of a twist to it. No doubt it will find its way to the ID channel twisted up even more. Connor MacCalister, 31, was bitter, mad at the world and wanted someone to pay for it, anyone at all. She followed 59 year old Wendy Boudreau from the parking lot of the Shaw's supermarket in Saco into the ice cream aisle where she slit her throat from behind. Her plan was to kill as many random people as she could that day and she was targeting smaller elderly women. A employee at the store who was in the bakery department heard the screams and ran out to see MacCalister standing over Boudreau. When asked why she did it she told the employee "she looked at me funny" and another witness, "Im off my meds. I didnt mean too." Conner lived in a nearby apartment for people with disabilities where her neighbors thought she was quiet and friendly despite her unusual appearance of a shaved head and constant army fatigues and combat boots. Her last Faceboo

Michelle Byrom is Free from Mississippi Death Row

Kelly Banaski and Michelle Byrom I sat down with Michelle Byrom to enjoy a lovely lunch at Five Senses restaurant in Murfreesboro, Tn. My assistant, Michelle Daniels, and I were so excited to be her first real friends on the outside. We spent three hours learning of the hell she went through and the plans she is making for the future. Michelle was accused of the murder of her husband Edward Byrom Sr. If you watch the ID Channel, you've no doubt heard all the sordid details of the the well-to-do couple in their huge home in Mississippi. The one that held a secret sex/bondage room where he subjected her to untold indecencies. Sadly, most of the ID channels take on Michelle's case is untrue. Michelle Daniels, Michelle Byrom and Kelly Banaski While edward Sr. was abusive and doled out beatings by the handful, there was no sex room. Just a cache of X-rated films he taped himself from other films. According to Michelle, she didn't mind. It kept him busy and away from

Books and Writing and Teri-Lynn McClintic

I began writing my book about Shirley Turner,  Shirley Turner: Doctor, Stalker, Murderer (Crimes Canada: True Crimes That Shocked The Nation Book 4)  , like any other writer begins a project. I scoured the Internet and bookshelves. I poured over ancient periodicals and I searched and searched for a witness to talk to.  I come from a small town newspaper background and interviewing a person who was actually there is paramount. Ya gotta have it. I have found that is different in the realm of true crime. You just have to make sure what you say is written down in some official report somewhere. Documented. True. Since Truman Capote wrote In Cold Blood and true crime took on a new life, there is a certain element of creativity lended to these books and I'm careful not to overextend it. But sometimes my newspaper habits bite me in the ass and I cant find a witness. Shirley and Andrew were dead. I sent emails to the Bagby's and Kurt. Nada. I tried Shirley's children and husban

Erica Yvonne Sheppard - Texas

E rica's case is tricky. Not in the sense of what she did and where she is but in how long she has to stay. Erica was involved in a hideous, horrible crime and she confessed her part in it. In the late 90's she and a male accomplice witnessed a woman, Marilyn Meagher, carrying armloads of clothing from her car to her apartment. Deciding they would rob her and take her car, the couple accosted Ms. Meagher in her appartment. Marilyn Meagher had her throat slashed several times, she was beaten and eventually a plastic bag was placed around her head and she was left to suffocate. The deadly couple abandoned the car in a nearby town but were caught shortly later.Erica received the death penalty and remains there today. This is where I have a problem. Erica was 19 years old when she committed her crimes. She was with a domineering man and this case happens in a thousand different ways a thousand times a day. The most famous may be the story of the porn star John Holmes and the

Donna Scrivo - Michigan

Donna Scrivo, 59, drugged, strangled and then dismembered her 230 lb son,  Ramsay Scrivo,  32 in January of 2014. He was severely mentally ill and doctors had determined he was psychotic and a danger to himself. She had been his legal guardian and caretaker since she'd petitioned the court the previous May. She said she felt his fathers illness and subsequent death was causing him to be despondent and suicidal.  After killing him she somehow got him into the bathtub and dismembered him. She put the pieces of his body in plastic garbage bags and dispersed them along a rural roadside. A saw was also found in one of the bags. She reported him missing in January.  She was arrested for the crime and plead not guilty, saying a masked intruder came in and forced her to help him murder her son. She was found guilty and sentenced to life without parole. 

Cheyanne Jessie - Florida

Cheyanne Jessie, 25 of Polk County, Florida called the police last Saturday morning to report her father 50-year-old Mark Weekly and her daughter 6-year-old Meredith Jessie missing. The first thing police noticed upon arrival was the undeniable scent of rotting flesh. Cheyanne told them there was a dead racoon under the house but police were not deterred. They continued to question her and repeatedly found odd discrepancies in her story. Eventually, her father and daughter were found in a shed on the property about 200 feet from the house. According to police reports, Cheyanne had a new man in her life. Sometime in the days previous to her apprehension, a text message was sent to the man from her fathers phone saying he was terminally ill and wanted only to spend his last year with his granddaughter and gave the man permission to use the house with Cheyanne. But from what investigators have figured out so far, her father and daughter were already dead when that text was sent. P

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