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Showing posts from August, 2016

Jessica Hicks The Arizona Killer Mom Who Never Killed a Soul

I know we have certain laws to make sure dangerous people might not get back on the street. Some of them are useful, I guess, but Im not partial to these ‘tricks” and bullshitery that end up putting people away forever for things they did not do. It is a sign of stupidity and a weak government.  Case in point: Ms. Jessica Hicks, an Arizona mother of three. Granted Ms. Hicks was not living the most righteous of lives. She had lived an off again, on again transient existence with her car-jacking, weapons charges carrying, trouble-maker of a boyfriend, Craig Uran. On March 18, 2014, the pair decided to carjack a woman. They cornered a woman in a parking garage and as Uran brandished the gun, Hicks wrestled her keys away. They took her truck and went to a motel. When leaving the room, they were spotted by a police officer. Uran driving and Hicks in the passenger seat, the pair took off like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, complete with Uran pulling a gun and brandishing it at the c

Voices From Death Row

My upcoming book for RJ Parker Publishing is going to be titled Voices From Death Row. It is a compilation of stories that ended with a murderer on death row. When possible, I interview the inmate, their families and anyone else who will participate. The first few cases I have taken on for this book have been Christian Longo, Joseph Edward Duncan III, and Lemaricus Davidson. I wrote to all three and have received an answer only from Lemaricus. His crimes are so horrible, so nightmarish, that even I, who have been involved with the like of Richard Ramirez and others as infamous, could not help but be afraid. I found myself worrying about which address to use and if he could have someone find me. These are things I have never thought about. People ask me all the time if I am afraid of inmates finding me and it always seems silly to me. They are, after all, in prison. Christian Longo killed his entire family; a wife and children, because he couldn't cut the mustard. Always broke