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Showing posts from November, 2017

My Daughter Has Felony Drug Convictions Now What?

I got an email today from a woman in distress over her drug addicted daughter in jail. She asks for advice and I thought someone out there may have some experience to share with her. Feel free to comment or send me an email and I'll forward it along to her. Hi Kelly,   I stumbled across your website after receiving a letter from my 30 year old daughter in jail. She goes to court 12/7/17 on many felony drug related charges spanning over a few years. Of course, I have known she was using drugs, perhaps not to the extent. I think mommy-denial plays a part. I allowed her to move back home on the home incarceration program, but that only lasted a month before the lies, stealing & drug use re-appeared. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown while she was here! I am trying to practice tough love, and honestly sleep better knowing (hoping) she isn't able to use drugs or break into my house again. Her letter is saying the expected, going to re-hab and getting her lif