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Showing posts from September, 2019

Friends with Benefits and Bitches

Friends With Benefits : How to Change the World With a Handful of Letters I wrote this handy guide to write to prisoners. It explains how to mentor a prisoner through letters. You learn exactly what you can do and why it's important. It is .99 cents. and free if you have Kindle Unlimited. If you are interested in writing to inmates and making a huge difference with just a small bit of your time, it's worth the dollar. If you purchase it, send me a screenshot and I have some fun stuff for you. This basic guide to mentoring inmates explains why mentoring is important and how important it is to female inmates. Learn what a mentor is, what they do and how its keeping women out of jail. From pen pals to formal programs there are many ways to mentor inmates. This short guide familiarizes readers with the various programs as well as how to go it alone. Kelly Banaski is an inmate and prison reform activist known for writing for inmates instead of about them. She painstakin

Woman Stabs Man For Kissing Her Without Consent

The headline to this article is fake. I made it up because of something that happened to me last week. It shook me up quite a bit. The more I thought about it the worse it made me feel. I live in a private subdivision. We have our own bar and grille, convenience store, garbage facility, pavilion, and lake. You see the same people every day. We try to be kind to each other and respect each other's privacy. I've lived here for more than 20 years. I have seen a lot of people come and go but the majority of people that move here stick around. We have all sorts of people that live in here with varying jobs and backgrounds. I think I am the only true crime author, but we have cops, social workers, nurses, military folks, professionals in hospitality, food, customer service, and truck drivers. We also have our fair share of gas thieves, drug addicts, and town drunks. We stick together for the most part but we get a lot of people from other areas who come to visit our business

Blane and Susan - Elderly Escape Artists Went on the Run for Murder

This story is the elderly version of Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers. Or a geriatric version of Bonnie and Clyde. These old folks just aint ready for a Palm Springs retirement village yet. Blane and Susan Barksdale have been on the run since they overpowered guards as they were being extradited to Arizona late last month. They are accused of killing 72-year-old Frank Bligh and then setting his home on fire to cover it up. His body has yet to be found. The Barksdales were arrested in upstate New York in May following a nationwide manhunt. Late August 2019, as the couple was being transported back to Arizona, Susan faked an illness to stop the van they were in. When the vehicle pulled over near Blanding, Utah, the couple overpowered the two guards as they opened the rear doors, says the Associated Press. The guards were bound with shoelaces but neither were hurt. A third inmate in the van wanted no part of the escape. The Barksdales drove the van with th

Tiffany Moss, GA's Only Female Death Row Inmate

In 2013, 10-year-old Emani Moss was found inside a trash bag at her apartment complex. She had been burned to death after dying of starvation at the hands of her father Eman and her step-mother Tiffany. Eman was given life. Tiffany received a death sentence. I wrote about this case before, if you want a little more background info, check here . The abuse Emani was going through had been repeatedly reported. Teachers had seen bruising and cuts. There was blood in her underwear when she was only three. Although children's services checked on her nothing was ever done. Tiffany had once been jailed for abusing Emani but she was put back in her custody. Eman worked most of the time. He said in court that Tiffany would send him text messages telling him Emani pooped and smeared it on the walls or put it in her food. He said he believed her. Starvation was a form of punishment but when Tiffany was gone, Emani had the kids and she ate. For days she went downhill though. Losing w

Ivory Smith "Snapped" Killing her BF, His Mom, and a Baby

Ivory Smith is 36-years-old, from Indianapolis. In late August of 2019, she shot her boyfriend, William Wilson Jr., 37 after the two had an argument. She splashed liquor in his face. He poured some in her hair. According to her police statement, they began to fight. She tried to bite him but he bit her and started strangling her. He threatened to kill her before letting her go and going to bed. In the morning it started again. He told her to get her shit and go but she refused. They started physically fighting again. She grabbed his gun and shot him in the 2300 block of North Guilford Avenue. She says he told her "Bitch, do it". Afterward, she went into his mother, Deborah Cooper's bedroom where she shot her in the wrist and killed his three-month-old infant nephew, Kahdor Troy Wilson. She said her boyfriend left the room after she shot him and she thought he had gone into the mother's room to get a gun. She said she didn't know that she shot the baby or the