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Showing posts from May, 2018

Judy Neelley Gets a Parole Hearing

I cannot understand why people are so up in arms about Judith A Neelley getting a parole hearing. She will never, ever be paroled. I spoke to Judy through letters and phone calls from 2000 until roughly 2007 when she dropped off the map. She told me of the horrors of abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband Alvin and claimed that he forced her into the acts she is charged with. Some witnesses to her crimes claimed she seemed to enjoy it. A few years back I contacted the police who are still alive that were involved to ask a few questions. Those here in Tennessee were mostly only privy to the bad check writing and petty crimes.. Judy started out life right around the corner from me in Murfreesboro, TN. That is the fact that started our friendship. She lived on Factory Road in Kittrell, a small suburb outside Murfreesboro. I have been up and down that road many times wondering how such a mess could spawn from that peaceful country road. One of the children she had with Alvin co

Audreanna Zimmerman

Recently a woman left a crappy review on the Woman Condemned Facebook page claiming I lied about her sisters death. Okay. First, why in the hell would I do that? Do I look like I'm in some sort of illuminati bullshit conspiracy group? Naw, I just report the information I find online, in newspapers, and in police reports. That's it folks . So, the case she is referencing is that of her sister Audreanna Zimmerman . And here, dear readers, is where I got my information in the case (which I occasionally update): North Escambia website True Crime Report WEARTV Corrections Magazine The News Gazette By the way, Britnee Miller has been resentenced:

Petra Reese Update

Karen Lee LaForge and her murderer. Petra Reese is a case I am often asked for updates. It is also one of the most often read posts. People check on Petra a lot. She has her supporters and those who knew her but are critical. They are some Internet savvy people.  I couldn't find a lot on her. Google News returns stories over a year old.  I contacted a news reporter native to the area, Becca Godwin of the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She was very polite and helpful, directing me to a government site to view the most recent appearances of Georgia inmates. It was there I saw Petra had her final plea on May 11th. I am assuming she plead not guilty, but I haven't found any reports on it anywhere. She will have trial on: 07/30/2018 TRIAL  (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer BARWICK, JANE) 07/26/2018 Reset by Court to 07/30/2018 If you have any info, shoot me an email or check out the Facebook Page or Twitter feed.