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Showing posts from August, 2011
I have a new assignment that's right up my alley. Its an article on Hybristophilia. Go figure. Hybristophilia is an intense sexual attraction to extremely violent criminals - and yet it goes unknown and mostly unresearched. This malady seems to show itself more in women than men and we have witnessed it in the likes of Karla Holmolka when she assisted her boyfriend Paul Bernardo in the rape and killing of her sister. We also saw it in Carol Ann Fugate when she jumped in the '55 Dodge with Charles Starkweather and blazed a trail of bullet holes across the country. All these girls had it bad, though. These are the aggressive hybristolphiliacs. What of the passive ones? You know, the girls that like the guy from the "iffy" end of town. That dude that showed up at your aunts house after your cousin picked him up from jail, the guy that always sits at the end of the bar in a black t-shirt and blue eyes who's steppin out back to smoke every so often. That type.
My sister in law works in a nursing home. She must wear scrubs to work everyday. Since I'm getting a head start on Christmas shopping this year I decided to check around for cool scrubs. I've checked around but everything seems catering toward the kiddie side, like for pediatric nurses or those with a potent love for cartoon characters. I stumbled upon this site: and I do like how all the scrubs seem classy and professional. These custom scrubs don't force you to conform to the preconceived scrub styles. There are several styles that are professional but give a hint of personal style without losing credibility. Since my sister in law works in the activities department I know its important to her to look fun without seeming silly or contrite. I think i found the perfect gift for her!
Dealing with school all over again, just for my kids Guest post written by Anna Brogue School was a little tough for me growing up. I had a learning disability that they didn't really catch until much later on. If that had been caught before then, I think that I would have been able to enjoy the social aspect a whole lot more instead of worrying about what a bad student I was. Well, I don't want that for my kids and am going to make sure that they have a better experience than I did. I guess wanting things to be better for your kids is a normal notion, so I went online to see if I could find some advice on how I could help my daughter along with this. While I was browsing some blog posts about kids and school. I ran across the site . After I looked through it a little bit, I decided to change over our home internet service to one of the packages that I saw on there. I did find some great advice that I simply can't wait to use with my kids. I