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Showing posts from July, 2007
Texas Court Dumps Woman's Death Sentence By MICHAEL GRACZYK Associated Press Writer May 23, 2007, 1:26 PM EDT HOUSTON -- A sharply divided appeals court on Wednesday threw out the death sentence of a woman convicted of killing her newborn son. The court upheld the woman's conviction, but it said prosecutors misstated to jurors her likelihood of being a future danger to society before deliberations began on the sentence. Lawyers for the woman, Kenisha Berry, argued that she had no previous criminal record, and defense experts testified that she posed a low risk of being a future danger. The 5-4 ruling from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals means Berry will serve a life term for the 1998 smothering death of 4-day-old Malachi, who was found abandoned and bound with duct tape in a trash bin. The case went unsolved for five years until Berry was identified as the mother of a newborn girl found alive but abandoned and covered with fire ants in a ditch in 2003. Berry, a former corre
I got a letter from Federal Death Row Inmate Angela Johnson today. She said that she doesnt usually write to people she doesnt know but was curious about the newsletter. I cant wait for her to see a copy. I think she will really like it. Im really curious about her case. I dont know much about it. From an article: Johnson, 41, is charged with 10 federal counts of aiding and abetting her boyfriend, Dustin Honken, in the 1993 execution-style slayings of two federal informants, the girlfriend of one informant and her two young daughters From Dustin Honken and Angela Johnson - Both white. On October 27, 2004 a federal jury voted to sentence Honken to death for the murder of two girls in Iowa in 1993. Honken was also given three life sentences: one for the murder of the girls' mother, and two more for the murders of two other adults who were to have testified against Honken in a federal drug case. The children, white girls age 10 and 6, were witnesses to the murder
Second page of Michelle Byroms letter received Yesterday along with a letter from Lisa Jo (LJ). She mentions Kristie Fulgham. I got an email through the site a few days ago from someone who knows Kristie and talks about how snotty and condescending she is. That seems to be the general consensus. But what kills me is that she is in jail. On death row. She talked her baby brother into taking the rap for her. How snotty can she be?
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Wow. I was just thinking... I'll be Paul Bernardo has my letter by now. My Hello Kitty stationary is in the hands of a mass rapist and murderer. ew, scary stuff. Its wierd- Ive written and spoken often to several murderes but for some reason Paul really creeps me out. But on the other hand Im really interested in if he has changed any. If he is getting help and therepy or if he's just been tossed in and forgotten. I havent heard from Judy in a few months now. She is worrying me. They were moving her around from cell to cell so often I dont even know if shes gotten my last letters. I got the letter from Michelle a few days ago. In it she asks for the book Honeymoon by james patterson. Does anyone happen to have a copy of this laying around? If so PLEASE send it to me or to Michelle directly. Just email me for the address.
Facts about female executions By Gabrielle Banks, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Women make up a tiny percentage of state and federal death row inmates. Of about 3,350 condemned inmates, 49 are women. When women get capital convictions, their own family members, including husbands, significant others and children are most likely the victims. Of the 11 women executed since the death penalty was reinstated in 1973, seven were found guilty of killing their mates and/or children. Twenty-five of the 49 on death row were sentenced for killing their husbands, boyfriends and/or children. Most women on death row for murdering romantic partners hire hit men to carry out the homicides. Slightly less than 50 percent of women on death row hired their victims' killers, which means that in many instances where an adult partner was killed, it was a for-hire killing. Proportionally, the U.S. executes fewer women than men. Women account for 10 percent of all homicide arrests, but just 2 percent of death se
BROWN, DEBRA DENISE ON DEATH ROW SINCE 06-23-86 DOB: 11-11-1962 DOC#: 864793 Black Female Lake County Superior CourtJudge Richard W. Maroc Prosecutor: Thomas W. Vanes, Kathleen O'Halloran Defense: Daniel L. Toomey, Albert E. Marshall Date of Murder: June 18, 1984 Victim(s): Tamika Turks B/F/7 (No relationship to Brown) Method of Murder: ligature strangulation with bedsheet Summary: 7 year old Tamika and her 9 year old niece, Annie, were walking back from the candy store to their home when they were confronted by Brown and Alton Coleman. Brown and Coleman convinced them to walk into the woods to play a game. Once there, they removed Tamika's shirt and tore it into small strips which they used to bind and gag the children. When Tamika began to cry, Brown held her nose and mouth while Coleman stomped on her chest. After carrying Tamika a short distance away, Annie was forced to perform oral sex on both Brown and Coleman, then Coleman raped her. Brown and Coleman then choked her un
Latet letter rom LisaJo
Ok, Im interested. Check this out. I dont know how this girl has slipped by my radar so far. Forgive me- I just learned about this gal and am a little fuzzy on the details but she is in a load of shit for sure. Angela Jane Johnson of Iowa. I havent found out her original charges yet but apparently the fun started after she was put on death row. I do know that her boyfriend was a big time drug dealer and she went down in the bust. But after she went to jail she told a jail house informant (unknowingly) that she had been part in the murder of several government witnesses agianst her boyfriend. From an article: An informant becomes a government agent only after receiving police instructions, the 8th Circuit Court of appeals ruled. The appellate panel reversed a trial court decision that a Benton County, Iowa, jail detainee was an agent of the government when he elicited information about five murders from an inmate indicted in connection with homicides of prosecution witnesses. In the ins
I was disappointed yesterday. No mail. I have been expecting a return letter from Judy Neeley anytime now. I hope she isnt mad at me or something. You never know. These girls have a tendency to flip on you at the drop of a dime. Speaking of the ones that flip, Ive contemplated contacting Beth Markman. She initially got mad at me in 2005 when I told her someone from the state of PA had contacted me. It was some lady looking for a support group to donate some money to her. But for some reason Beth didn't like that shed contacted me and flipped out. She calmed down and the flipped again when she asked me what I had found printed on her online. So I found an article and printed it out. She lost her mind and got pissed off at me because Id sent her the article and it had a bunch of other girls info on it as well. That enraged her. She was so mad at me. Suddenly Im getting letters from every chick on death row in Pennsylvania. They all told me how stupid and callous I am. That I have no
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I haven't hear rom Talcott Notch again. Is that good or bad? I spent the day yesterday paong bills. No fun. But I had a few thoughts for the book. Things I want to change around and do and say differently. I want so badly for this book to show people that these women are real people. They aren't monsters. Even the guilty ones are not what you would expect. I feel like a failure at times. I cant say it right. I cant explain it in the correct words to make you understand. Sigh... Anyway, I do have another idea and I wonder if I should go ahead and begin the new draft or wait for Talcott Notch to get back to me (with their rejection, probably). I'd like to go and visit Michelle Byrom and Lisa Jo Chamberlan but I dont lmow if I can afford it until ater my house gets built. How come a but ol' publisher wont give me an advance to travel around and visit with the rest of these gals? That would make things so much easier in my life. I am writing Randy Wood back today. He is suc
I received two letters on Saturday. One from Lisa jo Chamberlain. She is upset that I didn't send her any money. She said strangers write her and as soon as she asks for money they don't write back. Hm.. I wonder why. But she understands that I was sick and is willing to forgive me. Darling, girl. The other was from Randy Wood. I was tickled to hear from him. He said his appeal was denied and they are trying once again. I worry when things like that happen. How could they deny his appeal? There is obviously a dire need for it. I wonder if Texas politicians care one wit about anything other than their own careers. Is there a person in the state that cares about Justice or the Truth? Randy is the happiest person Ive ever seen to be in his shoes. He is constantly upbeat and joking. He always looks on the bright side. I am so proud of this young man. I don't think there is anything that can knock him down. He spoke of his mom and brother as well. He said his wife and mom had vi
I have gotten so many letters from people wanting to see that letter from the child molester. Really guys, I cant. Its gross beyond comprehension. You dont really want to see it and I will not post it. Someone recently left a comment about the lasting effects it has. It does. I thought about it for days. Then a person who asked to see it told me how surprised she was that there was no remorse. It was like the recital of a grocery list. Very matter of fact. She even said that the little girl said she liked it. Its heart breaking.