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Showing posts from January, 2012
Michael Ryan in Nebraska is so horrifying, I couldn't believe it. I accidentally found the information while surfing for info on the women on death row. I became interested because he sounded so much like Manson and the girls. he lived tucked away from society with a group that looked up to him and prepared along with him for an Armageddon that was to begin in the form of a race war. Hello Charlie... But check this out from Wikipedia:  Ryan was arrested in 1982 after reports, and a criminal investigation indicated that he had abused and killed 5 year old Luke Stice, and later killed fellow member James Thimm, after he had tortured him for several days, beating him, forcing him to have sex with a goat, then skinning him alive and raping him with a shovel before finally beating him to death. [1] Ryan was tried, convicted and  sentenced to death  on 12 September 1985. Ryan claims to have been in direct contact with God and vowed to spend his days in prison rewriting the Bible,

History Teacher

Thanks for the post from Rashad Townsend My brother teaches history at our local community college. He just loves to talk about history all the time. I don’t know where he got that because there is no one else in our family that is the least bit interested in history. I was talking on the phone to my sister-in-law the other day, and she said that she can never watch television because my brother is always watching The History Channel on . I told her that would absolutely drive me crazy. When my brother was a young boy growing up, he was always a little bit weird or nerdy. On the I.Q. test he scored at genius level so you know he was always really smart in every class in school. My mom told me that the counselors at school told her that he needed to learn how to fail at something so he could figure out how to deal with failure. So my mom then proceeded to sign him up for things that she knew he would not succeed in. The first thing she put him in was foo

Bernina Mata- The Rabid Lesbian

EQUALITY: THE DYKIER, THE BUTCHER, THE BETTER: THE STATE'S USE OF HOMOPHOBIA AND SEXISM TO EXECUTE WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES :      The case of Bernina Mata and the media frenzy that surrounded aspects of it reminds me somewhat of Aileen Wornous. She was a lesbian who killed a man she met in a bar one night. Her defense was that it was self defense, that he attacked her and she stabbed him to keep from being killed and raped.       The prosecutions case was- get this- that she was a hard-core-man-hating lesbian who killed him because was a man. No, I'm not kidding.      She was a lesbian and a prostitute. These two fact both had led to her fear of rape and violence because that it what she had learned so far in life. she expected it. Once she found out how easy it was to kill her johns as opposed to getting the shit kicked out of her; she took that route.      Unfortunately this has been a surprising tactic among prosecution in recent years. It has become commonpl

Upcoming Executions and Nicholas Tate- GA Condemned

So far, none of the women on death row are scheduled for execution in 2012, 2013 or 2014. Neither are any of the men I write to. I feel relatively safe for now. Of those who are scheduled for 2012, there is Nicholas Tate. He is volunteering to be executed on January 31, 2012 for the murder of a young woman and the sexual assault and murder of her 3 year old daughter. His two brothers, 18 and 15 were along with him. Nicholas Tate Dustin Tate Chad Tate They were under the assumption that the woman had money and crack in her home and they went to rob her. They left her apartment and fled to a gas station where they took a hostage who they later released.
Are you into this Kindle Singles thing? I love it. The true crime singles are like episodes of  48 Hours: Investigates crammed into a Kindle. My newest favorite is below. Its the last statements of some of Texas executed inmates. It also gives case histories and facts.

Miss America 2012

This chick is awesome.She has the most unique platform any potential Miss America has ever worked for. She founded a nonprofit to help children of inmates, Circles of Support.   Heres to her doing so much more inthe futre. How amazing that she stepped up to share her own experience when her father was incarcerated. Bravo Laura Kaeppeler!
Woman accused of killing grandmother gets $1M bond | : Aisha Sanders, 24, has beaten her grandmother to death because of her crack addiction. They have given her a 1$M bond, which is to say, she wont be bonded. This happened in Ohio which does have the death penalty but I don't think she would be eligible because it wasn't premeditated. We shall see.

Wife of Serial Killer Shares Life Story

Guest book Review A significant part of many of the popular TV drama shows dwells on the psychological background of the "unidentified subject" who has committed heinous crimes. One of my favorite shows was Profile and the primary activity of the main character was to analyze who, why, and what is making this individual act as he/she does. I wonder how that main character would have discussed Gary Ridgway, the Green River Serial Killer . . . Pennie Morehead presents readers with an interesting alternative look at the life of America's most deadly serial killer--that is, "through the loving eyes of his wife." (Back cover) Morehead, in her first book, gives a very personal perspective of an individual affected by true crime. I found it fascinating reading! The book includes exclusive photographs from the life of Judith Ridgway, as well as letters handwritten by Gary from prison. Additionally, the author uses her professional analysis of his handwriting t