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Showing posts from September, 2010
Some Bizarre Death Penalty Laws Author: Broden & Mickelsen Recently I had a Federal judge reject my attempts to keep a client on death row from being executed. I was appointed to represent the defendant after he had lost his trial; lost his appeal in state court; and lost his attempt to convince the trial judge to find his case constitutionally flawed pursuant to a "writ of habeas corpus." I was appointed, as Federal law provides, to represent him in relation to his final "appeals" to Federal court. After I was appointed to represent him I asked the judge to let me have investigators and the funds to thoroughly review his case. Eventually the court agreed to let me do this. The evidence of guilt was overwhelming but the investigation revealed that the trial attorneys had failed to put on hardly any evidence in the phase of the trial in which the jury is supposed to hear all the evidence relevant to the question of whether he should live or die. The Supreme
Is Execution by Lethal Injection Painful? Guest Author: Broden &Mickelsen The Supreme Court heard arguments with respect to execution by lethal injection constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. Lethal injection has become the standard method of execution in the United States, Nevada being the only exception by relying on the electric chair. Almost all jurisdictions which employ lethal injection rely on a "three drug cocktail." First a drug is administered that renders the condemned prisoner unconscious; second, a drug is administered that paralyzes the prisoner; and third, road salt is injected into the blood stream to stop the heart. If the inmate is unconscious when the last drug is administered he or she will feel no pain. The concern arises form the fact that the first drug will wear off and the inmate will be conscious when the third drug is administered. In this eventuality the condemned man or woman will experience a horrible, excruciating death. Apparent

Teresa Lewis is Executed; What Made Her Case So Interesting? - Law Blog - WSJ

Teresa Lewis is Executed; What Made Her Case So Interesting? - Law Blog - WSJ The above is a Wall Street Journal article on Teresa Lewis now that she has been executed. Keep this in mind. They killed Teresa in YOUR name. As an American citizen, we allow the government to kill people as a form of punishment for killing people. If your adverse to having your blessing insinuated with every legal murder committed in the country it is time to make your objections heard. Do not stand around silently and allow murders to be carried out in your name.

Confessions of an American Black Widow

The Confessions of an American Black Widow Gregg Olsen Sharon Lynn Fuller Douglas Nelson Harrelson was a bad bitch. She slinked her way through man after man after man with wild abandon. Some she married, some she slept with but only one did she love. Marriage to Sharon was a way out. A way out of her claustrophobicly religious parents house. A way out of a dull marriage with a pastor and long days spent chatting with church ladies. A way out of debt. A way out of a hum drum life as a wife and mother. Marriage was also a means to an end for Sharon. A means to new cars and gold jewlry and $100,000 mountain homes. Seperate from all that was sex. Thats right ladies and gents- S.E.X.  Sex was a way out of the boredom and a way to prove to herself and everyone else that she was hot, that she was desirable, that she was needed and wanted. She was Sher. Once Sher figured out how to use both to her advantage there simply was no stopping her. I loved, loved loved this book. I'
Two women's death row cases share similarities | Richmond Times-Dispatch Marilyn Kay Plantz , executed in 2001 by the state of Oklahoma , persuaded her younger lover and his pal to kill her husband for insurance money and stood by as they brutally did so. Marilyn’s case is almost exactly like Teresa Lewis’ case. Marilyn and her coconspirators are now dead by electrocution. Teresa's coconspiritors committed suicide in prison and she is awaiting her upcoming execution September 23, 2010. William Bryson, Marilyn Plantz 18 year old lover she asked to kill her husband. Marilyn and Teresa

La. Supreme Court rules in favor of judge in Antoinette Frank case | | News

La. Supreme Court rules in favor of judge in Antoinette Frank case News This article tells of some of the many mistakes made in Antoinette Franks trial. She, however, has always stated to me that while she wants the mistakes known, she is guilty and ready to pay the price for the crimes she committed.
Death Row and the Pussy Pass « A Voice for Men This article stands for itself really. I decided to post it here because it is obvious this guy really, truly believes in his opinion. He makes some good points and he is coming from a good place. I respect what he says but disagree. Oh boy do I disagree.
Is the Death Penalty a Deterrent? Guest Blogger: Broden & Mickelsen The most common justification I hear for the death penalty is that it deters crime. When I consider the hundreds of death penalty cases with which I am familiar, and the dozen or so which I have worked on personally, I am always puzzled by this position. I ask myself, "Have the people that advocate this proposition taken a close look at death penalty defendants?" Most death penalty defendants are guilty, and in my opinion, most defendants committed their crime as a result of three common factors. First, they are anti-social. In other words, they have an inability to relate normally to fellow human beings. They hold themselves in low regard and hold their fellow man in equally low regard. Second, they have low intelligence. Intelligent anti-social people engage in fraud or selfish business practices. Anti-social people of low intelligence rob a convenient store clerk for a $100 and then kill him unne
Her name is Teresa Lewis, she is the only woman on death row at the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women, and her appeals have all but expired. If she is executed, she will become another glaring example of the unfairness of our death penalty system.- John Grisham   Teresa Now and Then Death Penalty News: On death row, Teresa Lewis pleads for her life Well, we decided that Gaile Owens in TN could receive clemency because she was not the actual murderer but a conspirator (among other reasons). We freed Mary Winkler all together and gave her the chance to live it up working at a dry cleaner in McMinnville, TN and she actually KILLED her hubs. But here we all sit staring at each other once again. Twiddling our thumbs and playing grab ass while Teresa Lewis awaits her September 23 execution date. She conspired to have a hit man kill her husband and step son for insurance money. The actual hit men received life sentences but Virginia is about to kill Teresa. First woman in

Will Convicted Child-Killer Debra Milke Win New Trial? We're Betting She Will - Phoenix News - Valley Fever

  Will Convicted Child-Killer Debra Milke Win New Trial? We're Betting She Will - Phoenix News - Valley Fever This whole situation with Debra Mile is exactly the type of thing I’m always bitching about. Why do you think I stand up here on my soap box all day pissing and moaning? Debra was a single mom almost two decades ago. She took help where and when she could get it, like so many other single moms have to do. She had a roommate that offered to take her kid to see Santa at the local mall. Instead he took him out to the desert and killed him. Fast forward to when she reports her son missing. Phoenix police detective Armando Saldate takes her into an interrogation room, comes out hours later saying she confessed to the murder. No tape, no other officers present, nothing. She is convicted on it. No I’m not shitting you. She has been sitting in death row for two decades now waiting for a new trial. Let’s hope she gets it. We owe her at least that.
My daughters and I watched Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale last night. My 11 year old wasnt real impressed. She bailed out about half way through and started reading the Vampire Diaries. Go figure. The 9 year old however was amazed. She fell right into the Barbie-licious world of fashion and Flairies and friendship and fun. She was glued to the set. She made me pause it so she could pee. She has claimed from the age of four that she was going to be a vet when she grows up. She loved Barbies poodle Sequin, and after watching one of the special features on the DVD- I Can Be a Fashion Designer-she promptly decided she would design pet fashions and have a corner of her vets office dedicated to pet fashions. I was quite entralled myself, Im not ashamed to say. All things girlie and glittery appeal to me on some level and watching my daughter so tickled with the doll I grew up loving made me wonder. What happened to the Barbie in all of us chicks? Even if you were the type to trap bar
W.Va. State Police Ask for Dismissal of Lawsuit Related to Drug Informant's Murder Valerie Friend was on the federal death row with Angela Johnson. According to Angelas last letter Valerie has been sent back home and after her last retrial has now been given 35 years for the murder she helped commit. There are many people who believe that Valerie should never have been arrested for this in the first place. What do you think?

Execution Drug Running In Low Supply - Nashville News Story - WSMV Nashville

Execution Drug Running In Low Supply - Nashville News Story - WSMV Nashville Wow...just wow. My home state of Tennessee only has enough drugs on hand to kill one other person. I'm actually speechless. This article details victims rights advocates raising hell because their offender may not be killed in time or on schedule or what not. If your the type that wants to watch suffering in someone you believe deserves it, whats more satisfying than seeing him squirm while the state hunts up a new dope man?